Vital Voices systematically conducts interviews with consumers about specific programs within the Milwaukee County mental health care system, such as group homes, outpatient programs, inpatient units or crisis services. The interviews seek to determine consumer satisfaction with medication management, facilities, psychotherapy/counseling, staff accessibility, wait times and other important issues. Vital Voices shares this feedback with service providers and follows up to ensure that they address any concerns expressed by consumers.
The Vital Voices Helpline allows consumers or family members to call with questions or concerns regarding their mental health care services. Because of our personal experience with mental illness and knowledge of how the system works, callers know that we will understand their concerns and know how to get them addressed.
Each year Vital Voices surveys 500 consumers with the Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program (MHSIP) survey designed to measure consumers’ perceptions of outcomes, quality, satisfaction and accessibility of their mental health services. The information we gather helps providers determine whether they are meeting their clients’ needs and identifies services that need improvement.
Telephone Reassurance Program
The Telephone Reassurance Program is supported by the volunteers and staff of Vital Voices in partnership with the Milwaukee County Department on Aging.